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What Every Target of Workplace Bullying Needs to Know

Parent's School Bullying Stories

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Mother comforting teenage daughter

kmiragaya / stock.adobe.com

Mother comforting teenage daughter

kmiragaya / stock.adobe.com

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What Other Visitors Have Said

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Another Story About Being Bullied 
I tend to keep to myself. My life changed when I started to develop physically when I was a week shy of my eighth birthday. Since then, while my body matured …

My Son Is Being Bullied by Grown Women 
My son was 4 when we finally moved out of our cramped little apartment and into a decent place. During the first summer we set up a pool and a boy stopped …

My 13-Year-Old Daughter Is Being Bullied and the School Downplays the Abuse 
My 13-year-old daughter has experienced relational, reactive, and cyberbullying. She attends an all-girls private school. Several alarming matters …

Potential Help for Bullied Young Adults 
Parents of every bullied child are willing to try everything they can to help their child. My son and I recently wrote a book called, "That’s Cool!" (available …

My Life Ruined by Bullying at School 
I'm a 28 year old guy now and the bullying I was subjected to from the 9th grade through 12th hangs over me like an illness. I wasn't completely naive …

Narcissistic Mother-Daughter Duo 
Hello, I am a first-time poster to this forum. I have a 13 year-old daughter who is having trouble with a classmate - we'll call her Anna. Anna utilizes …

My grandson is 8 years old. He has been hating going to school at the end of last year and was very emotional about it but never said anything to mom, …

One Rule For Target And One For Bully 
My 14 year old son has other children constantly verbally winding him up or, for example, throwing ball at the back of his head. He tries to ignore it …

8 Year Old Boy Receives Death Threats At NY School—Police And School Admins Refuse To Act 
My son who is 8 years old has been bullied for the last couple of years by the same child in the same New York Public School. He has been spit at, hit, …

Unique Twist 
Ever had a conniving child turn the bully table? That’s right—after years of havoc in my daughters life by her cousin the allegations have gone too far. …

Mother Bullying Her Own Daughter 
A mother has 3 kids, 2 boys and 1 girl, the girl is 14. One boy is 8, the other boy is 12. The mother calls her daughter stupid, and a idiot and then goes …

My Daughter Was Raped And Bullied Into Silence 
My daughter age 16 has just revealed she was raped a year ago. The person who has done this to her has bullied her to the point she is afraid to tell. …

We Just Heard The Awful Truth 
Our son is home from college and just told us the devastating news that he was bullied in Middle School and we missed it. An only child, he always had …

The Bully And The Damage 
My story, unfortunately, is told on behalf of my daughter. In January 2017 I removed my daughter from the Educational system, within 4 months of her …

Ulcer At 11 From Bullying To Dedicating My Life To Help Others 
My name is Robert, and I am extremely passionate about teaching kids and adults on how to defend themselves against BULLYING. And this is why... let me …

Bullied For Her Size 
My little girl is into her fifth week in reception and is being bullied by other kids in her class because she is very small for age... 5 years. She …

Small Town Further Out Feeling Lost 
My younger brother is being harassed emotionally, physically, and possibly electronically by another student he is in incurably close proximity with on …

Grandson's Sexual Orientation Questioned By Bully 
My 11 year granddaughter came home from school and reported that one of her friends had inquired if her 10 year old brother was gay. She told her friend …

Daily Bullying Builds To Meltdowns 
My son has been bullied for years. He is very sensitive with a huge heart which is why he is bullied. He is called Special Ed, retarded, and many other …

Disgusted With School Sweeping Bullying Under The Carpet 
It just won't STOP. I feel useless. I went to the school, Valley Park's principle and they shoved it under the carpet. I have had to put my daughter in …

Open Letter To My Sons Preschool 
Hello X, My son won't be coming to school today. Our family has not decided if our son will be returning to your school. At this point however, I have …

My Daughter May Have To Change Schools Due To Girl Bully And Her Mother 
The parents of my daughter's friend, who is 13, complained that she was being bullied by older students. This is a private school and the parents have …

Granddaughter Bullied At School For Four Years 
It's my 8 year old granddaughter. She (and other children in her class) have suffered being bullied by one other child for the past 4 years. She is …

My Daughter Is Being Bullied At School By Three Girls 
I have never done this before but my heartfelt pain for my 8 year old daughter is becoming to painful for one to bare. I have come to this point of …

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My Little Fighter 
It started in the fifth grade in late May when I noticed that she was unusually depressed. I found out that she had been bullied for being Native American-Irish …

Child Author Overcomes Bullying 
Brenden, a 10 year old, kind hearted boy who enjoys watching Joel Osteen on Sunday Mornings was a victim of bullying. Read this tender empowering …

Serious Threats 
My son is in the fourth grade and yesterday a classmate told him at lunch that he was going to shoot my son between the eyes with a pistol and in the side …

No More Bullies - More Self Confidence 
My daughter is 10 years old and has been being bullied since she was 8. Before bullies, she was a sweet, bright, confident little girl. After the bullying …

Bullying As An Behavioral Equation 
My daughter and her classmates get a cookie with their lunch tray each day. Last week a known bully was telling everyone she didn't get one and trying …

Adults Bullying My Daughter 
My daughter is now 15 and she gets called names by other mothers (one of which keeps doing daily). My daughter has been through so much in the last few …

Nextdoor Neighbor Bullying My Son 
I'm in total shock to the whole situation as I write this... and I am needing a bit of advice. Please don't judge me, I am just looking for a little guidance …

The Rich Principal's Daughter 
It all started in year 8 and by the way I'm the child. I am in year 8 and I have had to face bullying. This really snobby, rich girl is also the daughter …

He Just Wanted To Go To School 
My son just began middle school. I have apprehension about this school because my daughter had gone there and was bullied. But he really wanted to go, …

It's Happening All Over Again 
I was bullied severely as a child. I went to a catholic school and you know the rest... My son is currently enrolled at a Montessori School. He's …

Kaedn's Story 
My six year old has recently been bullied he is ADHD and autistic he tried to commit suicide on the 20th and now he is in a psychiatric ward. We have we …

Nothing I Do Works! 
My daughter has been bullied since K and is now in 5th grade. I have done it all to help my child it seems no matter what school I put her in these kids …

Bullying Doesn't Just Affect Children While They're Young 
I think what most bullies forget is that bullying doesn't just affect children while they're young; it can impact upon them throughout their entire lives. …

The Bully Playing The Victim 
My son is a 6th grader who is being bullied by another 6th grade boy. These two have never really gotten along very well. I've encourage my son to walk …

I'm Worried to Tears, for My Daughter :'( 
My Daughter is 9 years old. She has a Beautiful, Caring and Forgiving Heart. "I Love You just as much as God Loves You".. That has been our saying, between …

Losing A Father Made Public 
My daughter is 16. Beautiful, kind heart but has a social phobia disorder due to severe school bullying. Two years ago my husband had a violent mental …

My Daughter Got Suspended After She Stood Up To Her Bullies 
My daughter is an A student and is on honor roll. She has been being bullied by 2 girls since the beginning of 6th grade. We brought it to the attention …

My Heart Hurts For My Daughter 
I have the most beautiful 14 year old daughter who has overcome so many obstacles. When she was 11 years old she had her first experience with bullying. …

Daughter Being Bullied And Isolated. What Do I Do? 
My daughter Thea is 11 years old. She has the most beautiful soul of anyone I have ever met. She is very soft spoken and has a hard time standing up for …

My Child Is A Target For Bullies Because He Is Different 
Here is what I have been dealing with ever since my child was in elementary school. My child would get picked on so bad he would make himself sick. I wasn't …

It Has To Get Better Right? 
My happy, funny, lil fire cracker of a son lost his spark one day, never did I think he was being bullied. When he started to get angry whenever I'd mention …

Lonely Little Lady 
My little lady who is 10 is very smart, outgoing, funny and very mature (too mature for her age). She doesn't do the "normal" things that kids her age …

Sick Of It 
My daughter has been bullied for the past 2 years by classmates, friends and even kids who don't know her at all. They have called her a stalker, gay, …

My Son Was Assaulted By Another Student 
In November of 2013, my son was assaulted by another student. It was set up with the help of others to take place off school grounds. As a result, my son …

Elementary School Principal Is A Huge Bully Herself 
My 6 year old granddaughter is the target of a set of girls bullying. One of the little girls who is bullying my granddaughter the older sister (4th or …

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I've Been Told My A Little Girl That Her Mum Hates Me 
My daughter has a best friend who was invited to her birthday party. When I asked why she couldn't come she replied that her mum hates me and she wasn't …

Kid And His Mom Accuse My Brother Of Bullying 
I'm not exactly a mother but I got the description. I'm in year 8 and arguably the smartest kid in school. My brother and a group of friends were accused …

Just Leave My 13 Year Old Son Alone Already! 
My son is 13. Very nice respectable kid and just as any other 13 year old kid can get on your nerves from time to time. At 13, he has a small build, is …

Bullied Grandson Threatens the Bully! 
My 10 year old grandson was being picked on and even hit by bullies in his school. Seems like the school would do nothing about it. Finally having enough …

Getting The Run-Around From School 
My daughter has been bullied for the past 2 years at school. This year I decided to meet the principal to see what could be done without it getting worse …

My 6 Year Old Son Was Held Down And Beaten By Two Other Students 
My six year old son, a kindergartener, was running track while in PE today. I was called and told that he had a head injury and multiple other injuries …

School Allows Bullying! 
My granddaughter has been taunted and bullied by a fellow student. School officials were advised of this situation. At the Valentine's Day Dance for the …

Fed Up With Daughter Being Bullied At School 
21st Feb 2013 I ran from my daughters grade 3 primary school class at the school and asked her to stop bullying my daughter and that it’s been going on …

My Story Of School And Cyber-Bullying 
I was bullied several times. It all started in Elementary School. I would come home crying every night because I was being bullied. I would get called …

New iEvidence Child Safety Mobile App 
New iEvidence Child Safety Mobile App from Childcare Compliance uses police reports to transform safety. Allows parents, educators, and childcare providers …

Victimized Twice 
My son is on water polo team at his high school. He has special needs and was punched in front of his team mates by a senior on the team. I am so proud …

My Child Was Being Bullied At School Now She's Being Bullied By The School 
My child was attending Clarendon High School in Clarendon, Arkansas. She wasn't being physically abused but mentally teased everyday to the point that …

We Sold Our House To Get Away From The Dysfunctional School District That Tolerated Bullying 
Our daughter used to attend high school in the south part of Torrance, CA and had to switch schools mid semester last year because of bullying. The school …

My Daughter Was Being Bullied And With School Starting I Am Worried It Will Continue 
Around December 2011, I found out that my child was cutting herself. I asked her why and she said she felt like she was being bullied. I was concerned, …

Bullying In School By Asian Student 
My daughter has special needs (autism), she is in a main stream primary school where currently she is being bullied by an Asian student in her class. She …

Attention-Seeking Bully Is After My Daughter! 
My daughter is being bullied. She is smart, athletic, pretty, well-behaved, and kind. The teachers at school—a small, private, Christian one—have always …

Speaking Out About Bullying 
My son is 15 years old and just finished the 9th grade. About half way into the school year, I noticed that his grades were slipping, he didn't want to …

My Brother Is Being Bullied — What Do I Do? 
My brother is a freshman in high school. He gets bullied all the time and he doesn't live with me and our dad and stepmom and lives in a different county. …

Mom At End Of Her Rope 
I need help. My child has been pushed off the tornado slide, beat up in locker room, bruised on bus by being hit, punched in private parts and told multiple …

Being Blamed 
My daughter had a huge fight with a girlfriend and told her "she was dead to her." That she didn't want anything do do with her because she was trying …

Sued for Reporting Bullying 
My daughter and other students were recently bullied by an adult school employee and we, along with 6-7 other parents, reported the bullying/inappropriate …

Principal's Daughter Bullying My Daughter 
Well, my child's bullying story began in May of 2011. Her boyfriend broke up with her the day after the prom and 12 days later began dating another girl. …

Help Stop Bullying! 
Hello. I am from Wisconsin and I'm a senior in high school. This year at school, bullying has been worse than ever. My teachers have tried to speak out …

My son is on the autism spectrum and just doesn't get that Facebook is a bad place to ask people what they think of him. They say terrible things. He needs …

Bullied Throughout Childhood And How It Affected My Life As An Adult 
I would like to share my story about being the victim of bullying most of my life. As a child, I never had friends. Other children always called me gay …

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A Solution For Bullying, Empowering Kids With The Gaga Panel 
A Solution for Bullying, Empowering Kids With The GaGa Committee Please pass this along to anyone who could benefit, using email, snail mail, Facebook, …

Brownie Bully 
My child has recently become the victim of a situation that I think is bullying and could get worse. I don't want to use the word "bully" lightly and …

Reached The End In Iowa 
My son is now 17 and is having to deal with someone bullying him and no one will do a thing. Back when my son was 12 he wanted a birthday party, so …

Sibling Bodyguard 
I'm not a parent but my brother was bullied in school. We lived in a small town in Virginia and my brother is 2 years older than me. He had failed 4th …

My Child Is Scared To Go To School And Face The Bullying 
It all started in third grade for my son, he started get picked on by some of the children at school. I talked to my son on how he should deal with it. …

Momma In Tears 
My son is 14 and is being bullied by his freshman peers in High School. He has gorgeous long flowing hair that is about 8 inches long off his head. He …

Update On My Grandson Is Being Packed Bullied 
Hi everyone, my grandson is sill enjoying school at the moment, we have encouraged him to tell his teacher when "the pack" try to start something. He has …

Reasonable Consequences 
My daughter has just started high school, she is very outgoing and is really interested in playing sports for the first time. She made a mistake at the …

Bullied Nephew 
My nephew is age 13 and he has been continually bullied since starting high school at age 11. At first it was the usual name calling and pushing and shoving …

I Am Not A Parent, But A Bullying Survivor 
I am not a parent, however I am a survivor of bullying and thought I'd give my point of view. I was "the fat kid" in class, I'm not kidding I weigh the …

Worried Mom 
My daughter is 14 in 9th grade and already starting a hard school year. I guess it would be best to start from the beginning, it started about a year and …

My 10 Year Old Grandson Has Been Pack Bullied By Students In His Class 
For two years now my 10 year old grandson has been pack bullied by students in his class. This year he has being subjected to being sectioned at school …

My Daughter Is Scared To Go To School 
My daughter has been bullied for two years by the same girls. Last year these girls made fun of her. Like saying go die. Nobody likes you. Dumb whore c**t. …

Stop The Bully 
My child is 9 year old and recently a boy from across the road is calling my son names because he wears glasses and it really is upsetting him. The bully …

Bullied At Such A Young Age :( 
I've been reading a lot of your stories, and I'm in tears and so saddened that so many children... CHILDREN... are being bullied at such a young age. …

Soccer for ALL (Not Really) 
My daughter was on a (soccer) team this past fall and spring. Fall was ok. Only one girl gave her a hard time and she had special issues and was taken …

Anti School Bullying Video 
Thought you might like to share this music video on school bullying. Thanks. Christie Sachse

Wanted To Share My Story 
I just wanted to share my story. This happened through 3rd up to highschool. I went to Catholic school and was bullied all my life. First, I use to attend …

My 5 Year Old Is Being Bullied By My Best Friend's 8 Year Old 
My son is 5 years old and is being bullied by my best friend's 8 year old son. I just don't know what to do. We noticed it with words in the beginning …

My Six Year Old Boy Is Being Bullied 
My six year old boy is being bullied. I tried talking to his parents and asked them if they could have a word with their son but was told not to be bothering …

Bullying At School 
My daughter has been asking to move school for the past few months, asking her the reason why her response has always been passive and a case of "I don't …

Will This Ever Be OK? 
I am writing this because I am a Mom who made a very big mistake with her daughter when she was being bullied in elementary school. She is now 21 and is …

You Are So Much Better Than Trash 
This weekend our family went on a vacation to watch our favorite team play and to done some shopping. My daughter who is 14 got a very nice pair of Aldo …

Too Long 
My son first started coming home from school aged around 5 or 6 complaining of another boy with the same first name as him teasing him, like most parents …

My Story Of Being Picked On. From Bullies To Success In Life. 
I don't have a child myself (hopefully in the future), but I would like to share my experience with being picked on and bullied and where I am today. My …

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Relationship Between Aspergers and Cyber-Bullying 
I have a disability called Asperger's Syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder that is characterized by difficulties in social interaction, as well as restricted …

Some Of My Position Paper For My English Class 
On April 16th eighth grade girls hung themselves during a slumber party; they were best friends and had made a suicide pact after being bullied by their …

Now It's My Son's Fault 
My 11 years old son is being bullied at school. I percept that because he doesn't want to go to school his grades is getting down and he is not happy with …

Worried Mum 
My almost 5 year old daughter has been in kindergarten for almost 2 months. She loved it. Recently she said a boy kicked her. Another day a boy pulled …

My Own Bullying Experience 
Growing up I was a happy kid with a bunch of friends. I started dancing when I was three years old. I loved to dance and my older cousin was on the middle …

A Mom Who Was Bullied As A Kid 
When I was in high school, I too was bullied. This was a long time ago, when bullying was more ok than it is today - it was the 80s. Teachers and school …

Out of Options 
My child has been being (extremely) bullied at his school for almost a year. I have talked to and met (40 to 50 times) with his teachers, counselor, asst. …

From Name Calling To Death Threats 
My son has been a victim of bullies from 2nd grade until 11th grade. We would go to the school, they would stop the name calling and pushing for a while …

Grandson Being Bullied 
My grandson was being bullied at school. Since he started the school year, his behavior at school and home was out of hand. We decided to take him to …

Should We Change Schools? 
Kindergarten was fine, first grade was not. I felt wronged by the new principal, and teacher for my son. He has taken a back seat to another classmate, …

Why The School Dont Do Their Job 
Hi my name is Autumn and I'm just sick of my daughter's school. No one there will help. My daughter was in class when one of the girls in her class told …

Other Mother Bullying My Child 
My son (11 years old) has been the target of a group of 3 mothers who have sons in his class at school. The three women are all friends, they are the type …

I'm Now An Adult Who Was! 
I'm 45 years old now, but was mercilessly bullied when I was ages 9-12, when my parent moved me into a different school. I tried to hang myself when I …

Bullying Beyond School Walls 
My child has been the victim of bullies for a long time and I just wanted to take the time to speak out on this malicious crime. My daughter is now 15 …

Bully and Bullied 
Having been on both ends of bullying as an elementary school student, I know what an evil practice bullying is, especially now when acts of bullying find …

Need to Support Parents Whose Kids ARE the Bully Too... 
I am a mom who has been affected by both school-friend bullying and cyber-bullying, and both bully and bullied are members of my family. In one case, my …

Twins Bullying Story 
In our area, middle school is between 5th and 8th grade. There's a problem right there. Middle School is all about socialization. If you are different, …

A Group Of 5 Yr Old Bullies At School 
Hello, my son he is 6, he has been really affected from being bullied at his school. This bullying involved him and 2 of his other friends (girls) being …

Standing Up Sort Of 
I worked at a middle school as an Aide and I watched 1 kid get bullied alot and the teacher turned their heads as if nothing was happening, I felt guilty …

Concerned Mom 
I don't know much because my son won't tell me. I knew he was being bullied 2 years ago and I talked to the teachers. My son (11 years) use to be a happy …

Dodge Ball Bully 
My son started having problems with a particular kid in camp this spring break. I guess the kid singled out my son because my son is quiet and awkward. …

Boorish Parents Spawn Bullying Children 
We are having an on-going bullying problem with a child (who I will call K) that lives directly across the street from us. When we first moved here my …

Child Receives Possible Permanent Damage From School Bully 
Please click links below these are all stories about my son and what happened to him. He's a 6th Grade Honor Roll Student at H.L.WATKINS MIDDLE SCHOOL. …

Why Me? 
Okay, so I have been bullied at school, and you know what sucks? The bully was my friend or at least I thought she was. She has called me a "liar", and …

The Bully in ME 
I have a son that has a speech problem. Watching him get made fun of and pushed as I pick him up at school, is like a knife slowly piercing my heart. For …

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The Administrators Don't REALLY Want To Help Stop Bullying 
My 17 yo daughter has been very upset for a few weeks about a girl at school that she says is mean to her. She recently told me she cant take it anymore …

My Son John 
When John was in first grade, he started saying things like "I'm stupid" or "I'm dumb"... I would tell him he was not stupid or dumb, and why was he saying …

School Doing Absolutely Nothing 
I have been to the teacher, vice-principal, principal and even at the District School Board Level. I have asked that in no uncertain terms that this student …

A Mom Who Turned The Tables 
My children were being bullied by a boy who weighed more than the two of them together. In fact, he weighed a little more than me. His mother was aware …

Stand Next To Me 
My son was bullied as soon as he entered middle school. These were kids that didn't go to his elementary school and didn't have the bond of friendship …

Is My Son Being Bullied Or Is HE The Bully? 
We have just discovered that our 5 year old little boy has been hitting other children in school. When we ask him why, he doesn't want to talk about it …

School Did Nothing To Stop Bullying At School 
Hello, My kid was bully at school since last year 10/9. They have been telling the school counsler that she was cutting her self, she is a EMO, she is …

Desperate For Help 
My 13 year old son has been bullied at school for over a year. I have gone to the principal, superintendent, and school board. A log was kept every time …

My Daughter Is Very Depressed – Help? 
Hi, my daughter is 10 years old and in grade 5. She has been bullied at school for the past 2 1/2 years. My daughter did not sleep at night. She wanted …

I Did Nothing But Watch 
This a a true account from a girl who at one time befriended a boy who lived in an orphanage. I met Billy in 1st grade and we went through the ranks of …

5 Year Old A Target of Repeated Kindergarten Bullying 
Right from the start of the year old 5 y/o son has experienced severe bullying at his primary school. A recent incident involved 3 kids 2 in my son's kindergarten …

Mother of an Angel 
Are you all chuckling at my choice of titles? We all think of our children as angels, don't we. Well, my child really is an angel. He went to be with God …

What Should I Do? 
My child has always been really good friends with a girl who has been picked on, but recently she moved away. Now, my child is the target. All the kids …

The Face of a Bully (How Innocent It Can Be) 
I was totally oblivious until I received a phone call from the mom of my daughter's friend. Warning me of a voice message her daughter left on our machine …

Never Happen To My Child! 
As parents, many of us are living in our own version of utopia or "wonderland" when it comes to bullying in schools. Upon hearing reports of school bullying, …

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