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What Every Target of Workplace Bullying Needs to Know

The Bully Playing The Victim


My son is a 6th grader who is being bullied by another 6th grade boy. These two have never really gotten along very well. I've encourage my son to walk away or ignore this child that is tormenting him.

These boys attend the same school and they play the same sports so they are constantly around each other. Well, I was approached by this boys mother, who informed me that she and her son was fed up with my child bullying her son.

My son has NEVER been accused of mistreating any child. Needless to say I was flabbergasted as to what to say to her except that I would be having a long talk with my son. I don't believe that my son has done what he is been accused of doing mostly because he is a soft spoken tender hearted little boy and because this other child has a history of "accusing" several other kids off bullying him.

How can I inform this mother that her child is being dishonest with her about this situation?

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I am going through the same thing.
by: Anonymous

My son is in third grade. The Mother called me to tell me it was my sons fault hers didn't have friends. After talking to my son and the other kids my son was apparently turning against him as well as the parents of these kids I discovered my son was being bullied on a regular basis. The parents still believe that their son has done no harm even after I told her that her son was a liar and the school got involved telling me that my son is the victim in this situation. As bad as it sounds they are in grade school but if My son eventually gets suspended for standing up for himself we are throwing him a party. He has a very very good reputation and has told me this other boy doesn't matter, even if the things he says and does hurt. As for the boys parents, when I see them they do exactly what their son does. They smirk and smile as if its funny that their son spent the week trying to tear mine down. Some parents are actually teaching their kids to bully. Its sad, but the truth comes out eventually.The boys Dad is a cop and the son is very disrespectful to his elders, teachers, even grandparents, uncles and aunts. I live next to his Aunt who wont allow him to come to her house. Sometimes parents raise their kids to think they are above consequences. My son has been raised to treat people the way you want to be treated. I feel you here but what goes around comes around. A mutual friends Daughter finally came forward and told teachers about the bullying after the same kid punched her in the stomach and tried to deny it. It is no longer us against them. Kaden got in trouble with the principle. Yet still no apology, not even from the parents. Just keep doing the good job you are doing being a parent, its going to come around. Karma and Angels have got this.

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