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Lonely Little Lady
My little lady who is 10 is very smart, outgoing, funny and very mature (too mature for her age). She doesn't do the "normal" things that kids her age do. She reads, and loves to talk to adults, she doesn't pretend play (never has). She doesn't play tag or any of those games.
She started having anxiety last year and it took us awhile to actually figure out why because she was too embarrassed to talk to us. The girls at school were calling her names and just being mean to her. Ignoring her or making rude comments because she does school work independently because she is at a level above the other students. She told us what was happening when she finally broke down and had an anxiety attack.
I set up a meeting with the teacher and had a conference but she evidently didn't get the idea of confidential and making it not just about my daughter because she pulled the girls in and talked with them and let them know my child had told. That only made things worse.
My daughter pushed on and stood her ground not letting them see her hurt, but unfortunately I had to watch as she turned in a hermit not wanting to do anything.
The school year ended and she made friends in her sport she played and the summer was great she was back to her old self. Well, school came fast and she was so excited to start anew.
School has only be in session for 4 days. It started last Wednesday and last night she had an attack again and she told me all these awful things that were happening. A group of kids (boys and girls) made a poll of who was pretty and who was ugly. My child fell on the side that no kid wants to be. She talked about how the kids make fun of her for being ahead and that she was really not part of the group.
She is scared to talk to the teacher—she has a "no tattling rule" (which she needs to revise). She cried all night about having to go back to school because these kids moved to different tables if she sits down by them, they are spreading rumors about her. One girl even pushed her into the wall.
I have make several attempts to call the teacher and principal. I do not want to take her out of the situation until we try to resolve it because I want her to see that you don't run, you try to fix things first. She doesn't want to switch schools because she likes the school just not the kids. She does stand up for herself and take a strong approach to the things they do but in return she breaks down at home. I just feel so helpless.