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What Every Target of Workplace Bullying Needs to Know

Speaking Out About Bullying

by Kathy
(Alabama, USA)

My son is 15 years old and just finished the 9th grade. About half way into the school year, I noticed that his grades were slipping, he didn't want to go to school due to headaches, he didn't want to ride the bus, he stopped socializing with his friends (or so called friends). I asked him several times what was wrong and he said nothing was wrong.

A little about his back ground. We held him back in 6th grade due to a severe head injury that he suffered. We thought that he would do better with a new group of friends since his personality changed so much from traumatic brain injury. Keep in mind, that on the outside, he still looked the same, but he was different. His thought process was different and if I may say so, he seemed more intelligent and was more apt to speak out where as before the accident he was a very shy kid, but also had some really close friends.

After seeing him this way for a while, I made an appointment with a child psychologist. Believe me when I say that I was so shocked when he started describing how he was being treated at school. Boys, that we thought were his friends, that had been to my home, had spent the weekend with him, with whom he had played sports with, and who he had gone on vacation with, were being very mean, and hateful towards him. Let me go on to say that I thought my son was popular, he was always around popular kids, he's a good looking person with a very sweet and sincere side about him. He has been holding all of this in and he even mentioned suicide.

My heart is broken, my trust in his friends are gone, my first thought is to call the parents and ask what kind of person are they raising in their home. But, none of us want to believe that our children would do such a thing. Next I want to relocate him to another school and have been searching private schools, however; I decided that he has done nothing wrong, why should he up and move? I feel as if we need to stay and confront this or these boys will continue to be offenders. How do I confront this situation, how do I keep my son feeling safe and secure? I'm so disappointed and hurt at this point.

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Reply Speaking out about bullying
by: Anonymous

Firstly, my heart goes out to you. It is very distressing to learn that your child is unhappy and being bullied to the extent that he has considered killing himself. However, I disagree with you about him moving schools.
I think your child needs a break and starting fresh elsewhere would be good for him.
Finally, I would write to the school and tell them why I was moving my child. They have a duty of care, especially if they know the bullying is occurring. In any event if a child's demeanour changes, prudence requires that enquiries are made, help offered to all involved to ensure the safety and well-being of our children.
Write the letter in a non-threatening manner and I suggest you have a Solicitor help you with it.
Good luck.


Speaking Out about Bullying
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for your comments. It was very kind of you to take the time to write.
You are the first person who has agreed on the changing schools idea. My husband and I have gone back and forth on this issue. My first thought was to move him. And, he mentioned changing schools early on during the school year, and now I realize why he wanted to change.

Your encouragement has given me the strength that I need to follow through with this.

Thanks again!

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