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What Every Target of Workplace Bullying Needs to Know

Narcissistic Mother-Daughter Duo

Hello, I am a first-time poster to this forum. I have a 13 year-old daughter who is having trouble with a classmate - we'll call her Anna. Anna utilizes social media as her tool of choice to belittle and exclude. I have had in-depth conversations with my daughter and we believe we are witnessing classic narcissist traits. Several weeks ago, someone created an anonymous post on a popular social media platform. The post was insulting to Anna, which set off a firestorm with her mother to determine the identity of the original poster. My daughter did not submit the post; that much I have verified. However, now we have come to find out that Anna's mother has been talking to other moms in the neighborhood and "theorizing" that it was my daughter who submitted the cruel post.

I am now seeing where Anna gets her narcissistic traits from. I would very much like to confront Anna's mother about this and suggest that it is unconscionable for her to gossip about my daughter with absolutely no facts at hand.

Some additional background: issues between my daughter and Anna have gone on since December 2017, and perhaps even longer. My daughter is keeping a log of her interactions with Anna and has actually shared that with the school counselor.

My question is simple: is it worth confronting Anna's mother, knowing that she may in some ways be the source of her daughter's behavior? I have lost sleep over this and would appreciate the input from those who may have had similar experiences.

A Concerned Dad

Comments for Narcissistic Mother-Daughter Duo

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by: Anonymous

This sounds like a narcissist you are dealing with and confronting the mom may make things worse for your daughter. I'm in a similar situation but my daughter is only 10 and believe me, I'd like to go toe to toe with the mom, in fact, I've fantasized about it. Our daughters are in direct competition in their favorite sport. (horse riding) My daughter has a natural physical edge, but her daughter is more focused and determined, making them about equal during the competitions. It's the in-between times during a horse show, that have gotten unbearable as this little girl and her mom have managed to freeze out my daughter, from almost everyone at the barn, even fooling some of the younger trainers. This is the most disturbing part, as I'm paying them to help my daughter during these competitions and they are nearly ignoring her over the other girl. This has started to make it not fun for my daughter and not fun for me to watch.

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