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My Daughter Got Suspended After She Stood Up To Her Bullies
by Jennifer
My daughter is an A student and is on honor roll. She has been being bullied by 2 girls since the beginning of 6th grade. We brought it to the attention to the principal 2 weeks before school let out for the summer. He had said there is no reason to fill out a complete report because school was just about to let out.
She is now in 7th grade and in middle school. Not only are the 2 girls continuing, they have brought other girls to threaten to beat her up, harass her in the hallways, and make fun of her appearance and the soccer team she plays for.
The bullies had contacted my daughter through social media and were threatening her again. My daughter defended herself on the texting and stood up for herself. She was very upset and just wanted these girls to leave her alone. My daughter had used foul language on the texts, although it was completely wrong for her to do so, I completely understood her reasoning.
When she finally went to the principal, with her own phone as proof of the bullying by the bullies, she voluntarily handed her phone to the principal, knowing the derogatory language was on there. Before hearing all of the facts they handed out a 1 day of in school suspension. We are appealing the decision.
My question is, is there anything that states while being a victim of bullying that the victim cannot stand up for themselves in a non violent way? She did not threaten them, she used the language as nouns and adjectives, with this ISS, it takes away her goals she is shooting to because now she has a disciplinary record of this 1 and only incident and she is the victim.
Please help! Is there anyway I can prevent the suspension if the appeal does not go in our favor. And she feels that she is being punished more then the bullies because she looses the 4 goals she has been shooting for because of this action from the school.