by Becky
Ever had a conniving child turn the bully table? That’s right—after years of havoc in my daughters life by her cousin the allegations have gone too far.
My SIL went to the principal stating my daughter has bullied hers for two years! We’re devastated. Needless to say the principal did not call us because he can see through this lie of BS. This is slander and a 7th graders reputation tarnished.
All this happened after my SIL raised her fist to another moms face in front of their softball team and also stated maybe the bully’s need to get beat up. 3 times my SIL has yelled at other kids in public. She should have chose to speak with the parents, teachers or coaches. This time it went way too far. The only bully I see is this mom! Daughter doesn’t get her way- she cries, lies and loves the attention it gets her.
My husband and I aren’t closed minded to the fact our daughter can be mean—she has a sister, we’ve seen her in action. He went to talk with them to get specific actions of bullying and came home with none. We obviously would have reprimanded our child for her part in this. I’m sick over this and worried for my daughter and what these lies will do to her.
There is zero history from teachers or coaches seeing any such actions from my daughter. I know this because I’ve asked, to be sure. I know this isn’t a one way street but feel very stuck. Bullying is a serious problem, and when your daughter is labeled as such and isn’t... what’s a parent to do?
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