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Workplace Bullying Victim
by Marilyn Peabody
(Billerica, MA , USA)
I was employed at a company for over four years as an Accounts Payable Coordinator. I have always been considered to be a loyal, considerate, helpful, productive employee. The first two years things went quite well; everyone seemed friendly enough. A new program was being rolled over within our department. A new position became available, but was never officially posted.
The department manager, my supervisor and one coworker was given special preference for formal training for the new Program. Training continued for a few months. The coworker that received the formal training decided to start delegating her new tasks onto me without any explanation from my supervisor. As an Accounts Payable Coordinator, I was always busy with a full schedule. Oct 2006, I was approached at my cubicle after hours by the coworker involved with the new training. I was verbally harassed both professionally and personally. Stating that I should quit my job and find work elsewhere and added nasty remarks concerning my daughter. I was so humiliated and stunned by her rudeness, that I did not take notice of any witnesses. The following morning the issue was all ready explained in full to management by the rude coworker. Everything was twisted as though I had been the harassing party.
A few meetings took place without me and then I was asked to attend with a simple request, asking me to "just let it go".
March of 2007, the department manager turned in her resignation. For another year and a half I was constantly being antagonized by several coworkers forming there own "mobbing" type group. Creating traps, constant child like games throwing elastics & paperclips. Deliberately forwarding unnecessary calls. My supervisor totally ignored this behavior. I did go to H.R. and reported that my work environment was becoming somewhat hostile. My car had been egged in the parking lot. I was written up unfairly for unrealistic pettiness by my supervisor which ended up with an unfair performance review.
May 2008, I was walking around the business park during my lunch break and was nearly run down by the coworker that harassed me. She just so happened to be leaving the company parking lot going the wrong way through a one-way exit ramp where I was walking at that exact moment.
I was given a 30 day warning from my supervisor on May 13th. On June 6th, I was set-up by two of my coworkers who were attempting to arouse me creating a no-fail way to get me fired. One coworker requested documentation from me that I did not have. I gave an honest answer, but I was still accused of being a liar. Standing there with her hands on her hips and would not leave my work area. Another coworker actually threatened to punch me out later that same day, for simply agreeing with a statement that was directed to her by another supervisor. On Friday, June 13th, I was unfairly terminated for misconduct.
My job loss was 8 weeks after the loss of an elderly parent. I tried to go back to work full time but could not function properly due to the fact that I was suffering with severe depression. I tried to reopen an unemployment claim and got denied. I appealed and was approved, then somehow was denied again. I am now going through another appeal. I did file a formal complaint with MCAD but that was denied recently stating that I did not have enough evidence proving discrimination. Should I mention; civil rights, employer retaliation? whistle blower? Dirty politics... system failure.
I have not had an income since mid December 2008. I do need trustworthy assistance as soon as possible. I'm so confused. Where is the support when it is really needed? So this is America?