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Workplace Bullying Alive and Well in a Large Aerospace Firm
I work in a large Aerospace firm in Germany. I am a US citizen. I have been employed with the firm for over 3 years, on the same project incident free.
For the last month, my life has been turned upside down, and not a single coworker can tell me why.
Usually, if there are issues or problems in our team of 15, we talk about it immediately to resolve the issue. From one moment on, its like they heard a juicy rumor, the usual coworkers I go to lunch with, will not associate with me. They make homosexual innuendos all day to me (I am not gay), seeing if I will crack. The supervisor has joined in on the innuendos also.
I had approached the bully, and asked why you are making innuendoes about me, and he had said, its only a joke. Of course now the coworkers have identified something which irritates me, and have intensified and broadened their harassment using multitudes of other coworkers to join in "the fun".
I have heard other innuendos that "I need to be taught a lesson", and "I need to be controlled". I have some ideas where the originator of the bullying is coming from, which is a former colleague who works on a different project.
I have interest in changing to the same project, and will in June, but I believe this former colleague does not want me on his team. The former colleague I believe is a textbook example of a workplace bully, who requires an array of coworkers to use as puppets to do the dirty work, as he sits back and watches the show.
I believe there is a deep seeded resentment with this former work colleague that I had not joined his clique, due to my own choice of not wanting to be controlled.
I am not cliquish, I don't join bullying groups, which I believe there are many in this large firm, Bullying is widespread and accepted in this firm.
How do I resolve this issue?