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Workplace Bullies Hone In On Those With Social Anxiety And Depression
Hi, I have been bullied in most of my jobs for over 20 years, at age 42 now and am ashamed of myself.
For years I have suffered social anxiety and depression which makes it difficult because I think people actually hone in on this and want to bully you and be rude to you.
I know that a lot of my problem is that I'm unassertive but it is very hard to change who you are. I left my last job at a local hospital due to being overworked and made to feel small by a colleague who I'm sorry to say I was scared of as she was a know it all and had been there years.
So now I'm back unemployed on ESA and scared to get another job as it will probably happen again.
I have had CBT, counselling, etc. It works for a little while then all my old ways come back as I'm too scared to change. I don't know what to do next. I'm scared of people and feel that they are judging me all the time.
Moving On From Workplace Bullying:
What Every Target of Workplace Bullying Needs to Know