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Worked for Federal Government in Australia
by Corey
(Queensland, Australia)
My Workplace Bullying story starts after 3 years of fantastic employment with a Federal Government Department. I was re-assigned to a new team, not long after the Team Coach was moved to another department and an Acting Team Coach was appointed.
At the time she and I had a friendly working relationship, by that we would talk everyday about tv shows, books and music that we were into. At the time Twilight and True blood were just released.
In a meeting "A" yelled at another co-worker and walked out of the meeting, after 20 minutes walked back in like nothing happened. 15 minutes after the meeting "A" pulled me aside (in a one on one meeting) and asked "was my behaviour in any way inappropriate?"
My answer was "I can see your side and I can see his side and I do not want to get involved."
From then on "A" stopped speaking to me, would not include me in team lunches, meeting etc. "A" even went as far as to stop team members speaking to me, threaten my employment in one on one meeting, approved my annual leave in on breath and then took it way in the next, yelled at me in front of other co-workers and so on. "A" sent emails to management that lied about my behaviour, threaten formal counselling/discipline.
After reporting "A" to Human Resources I was told to keep a record and time line, have a meeting with the manager. I held the meeting with the manager and she treating both me and the situation as a joke stating "We are all adults and you and "A" need to start acting like adults and I am not going to intervene on your behalf and nor should I have too."
After making a formal complain the treatment got worse, I was isolated from all employees in the department, when I reported the bullying to the union I was told that they had received a number of reports from other union member about both the manager and "A" but before they could act I would have to join the union.
I was told by a friend that a meeting was held and everyone was told not to talk to me.
A new Team Coach was employed after a year and I was told "to see how it goes." The new Team Coach was worse and the treatment continued. I was put under performance review for false accusations and rumors were spread about me. In the end I became really sick and was forced to resign.
I suffer from Major Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, PTSD and Agoraphobia (Fear of leaving the house) and I have even thought about suicide a number of different times. I am fighting for Workers compensation even though they have rejected my claim twice stating that it was my employers right to treat me like that.
I am unemployed, can not hold a job, looking at being medicated for life and at 32 being placed on a pension due to the fact that I have major trouble leaving my house.
If anyone can help please let me know.
How To Deal With Workplace Bullying: What Every Target of Workplace Bullying Needs to Know