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What Every Target of Workplace Bullying Needs to Know

Treating Me Like A Child

by Grace

I am treated like a stupid child, (I am going to leave next week, and I think I will have a lawyer present, I know I am entitled to one) I was always behind with work, and had people reporting on simple mistakes, magnifying them to greater proportions than they were worth. I am not going to brag about education, but I thought 'What the hell am I doing in this shithole after completing a degree? I should be working in a fantastic place with educated people, instead I am stuck here in hell.

It is medical reception, the only intelligent people being the doctors and nurses. The people in the office don't like them much, and talk about them in derogatory way. I admire the docs, because the actually save people's lives, unlike the bitches in the office, who make other people's life miserable. I think there is a lot of jealousy about education - the docs and nurses are very educated and the rest of staff not educated enough. It is a very totalitarian system, with employees being treated like robots who can't think creatively, and must do things automatically. No personality, nothing!! And new people better be like everyone else in the office, otherwise they don't fit in. As I said, I am leaving, thank God, I can't work with these shitheads anymore. They have unresolved issues, and they tell stories on me, gang up and I had to go these meetings where the team leader tells me that they only try to help me!! This is bullying hidden under 'good intentions'.

Well, I am better than that. I also work for another company, where I am appreciated, so I decided it's better if I go, before I lose personality in this place.

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