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Satanic Worshiping Company
by Kerri
I started working for a company in April of 2008. About one month later one of the managers comes to my desk to scream and I mean scream at me loud enough for all employees to hear. She was claiming that I stole an account from another employee. I apologized and said I was not told that I could not or was not supposed to put acct. in my code. I was not given adequate training. She was nasty to me ever since for 3 years!
Other employees seemed to be able to make up their own hours while I was denied the right to leave 15 minutes early to take my CNA training course! When I tried to leave at end of day to hurry to make it to class, employees would block the door. Of course they only did that on the nights I had class. They were constantly taking accounts I had worked and rightfully earned commissions on and give my commission money to another employee.
They also gave me every incoming phone call for approximately 2 hours each day while all other employees sat and did absolutely nothing. Psychological harassment was done to me throughout each day. Especially on a Friday so I would fume over it all weekend. The HR Manager had a poster on her wall giving praise to "The Morning Star" (a religious poster) which is Lucifer he is referred to as "The Morning Star." I also find it interesting that most employees would wear all black clothes every day! That is also another Satanic thing. They would also have me call high profile people like the Arch Bishop and high profile people in politics. Of course all the rude nasty people who called in were sent to me.