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Religious Bullying
by Heather
(Phoenix, Arizona)
I have been working at my current job for quite a few years and never had a problem with any of the staff. The company had hired a new person to fill in for sick time or vacation, possibly even double staffing needs. Everyone met this person and seemed to like her very much. We all chatted and got along until she started asking everyone about their religious beliefs, where and how often they went to church.
I was one of a few that worked with her on a regular basis that didn't attend church, at all. I became the butt of all jokes but in a very passive-aggressive manner. She repeatedly asked me to attend church with her. Every time I would refuse she would make smart comments and find something I did wrong that day and go to the manager. Also, she would ask me what I believed in and how could I think that way... it was just awful. I still work at the company and she does too but we have had several meetings about the way she treats me and keep her religion to herself. Hasn't worked yet. I don't know what else to do.