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What Every Target of Workplace Bullying Needs to Know

Religious Bullying

by Heather
(Phoenix, Arizona)

I have been working at my current job for quite a few years and never had a problem with any of the staff. The company had hired a new person to fill in for sick time or vacation, possibly even double staffing needs. Everyone met this person and seemed to like her very much. We all chatted and got along until she started asking everyone about their religious beliefs, where and how often they went to church.

I was one of a few that worked with her on a regular basis that didn't attend church, at all. I became the butt of all jokes but in a very passive-aggressive manner. She repeatedly asked me to attend church with her. Every time I would refuse she would make smart comments and find something I did wrong that day and go to the manager. Also, she would ask me what I believed in and how could I think that way... it was just awful. I still work at the company and she does too but we have had several meetings about the way she treats me and keep her religion to herself. Hasn't worked yet. I don't know what else to do.

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Going on over 7 years now...
by: Kristin Martin

This is what I am experiencing, as strange as it may sound. The best way I can describe it is I feel encapsulated, like I am in a bubble whenever I do internet searches or am on Facebook. Almost everything I pull up is of a religious nature, it is beyond coincidence. I've never been religious, however, I consider myself very heart-centered and loving. I love God in the sense that God is everything and God is pure love and acceptance. I love Jesus because I believe he wanted to show us we are all created equally... I don't think he ever wanted his words or teachings to be twisted in a book written by men called the Bible. I've had people say to me "well you need to read the entire book because you just don't know" and then I say well, I really resonate with Course In Miracles, why don't you read that entire book? And then of course I get deemed "evil" or worse.."satanic"... I am so filled with love... I think it comes down to resonance... I resonate with a particular vibe, you resonate with a particular vibe...SO WHAT? Christians (not all of you, I'm addressing the fundamentalists) You guys have got to stop judging others and mind your own side of the street... I believe most of you have a heart in the right place, it is simply misdirected. I experienced this for myself when I was vegan for many years... I felt I had all the answers and if only people could see my way... why couldn't they see? I literally made myself emotionally sick, however, my heart was always in the right place. Now I've learned to address the situation of animal consumption from a different standpoint and not judge. At the end of the day, we just need to be able to let people be themselves... without bullying and judgment. That goes for Vegans and Christians and everyone else. The "Word Of God" is that place within yourself where you know you will always be safe and loved and accepted no matter what. You've come this far, why would God let it be any other way?

re - I don't understand by Anonymous
by: jess

"I don't understand
by: Anonymous

This whole thing makes no sense since I've been going to Church and consider myself a Christian for the larger part of 50 years. Never have I heard a Christian person try to spread the good news in such a way. You might find someone a little over zealous if they're a new Christian or a CINO (Christian in name only). Sorry, I don't think this is as it has been presented."

Sometimes Christians can't imagine anyone saying something negative about another "Christian" so that someone must have it all wrong? Really Heather said it very well and clearly stated she is being bullied/harassed for not following or going to church, as her "Christian" coworker does. We don't need to read between the lines, no guessing what she means. It's all there in black and white and very believable. Her coworker is acting very un-Christlike. Her coworker is a bully.

by: ms Barbara

The anonymous comment was slimed and trashy. no wonder they dis
d't sigh their name.

Forcing Religion
by: Tiff

Christians have a serious problem bullying others who do not follow their beliefs. I'm sorry that this is happening to you. Try not to let it get you down.

Bad Religion
by: Anton

I find religion to be a divisive influence more often than not. Instead of being a way to bring more peace into the world each religion instills in its devotees a sense of superiority over everyone else. It gives them the comfortable perch from which to look down on the unwashed unbelievers — the heathens, kafirs, gentiles and infidels. It gives them the yardstick by which they can judge everyone but themselves. It gives them the divine right to hate and do everything in their power to make life more and more miserable for anyone who disagrees with their self-righteous delusion.

I don't understand
by: Anonymous

This whole thing makes no sense since I've been going to Church and consider myself a Christian for the larger part of 50 years. Never have I heard a Christian person try to spread the good news in such a way. You might find someone a little over zealous if they're a new Christian or a CINO (Christian in name only). Sorry, I don't think this is as it has been presented.

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