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Recently Returned To Work After Being Signed Off With Depression And Anxiety Due To Stress At Work
Hi there. I have recently returned to work after being signed off with depression and anxiety due to stress at work. Since my return I have had my hours shortened to help me get back into the swing of things. Since I've returned I've felt very unwelcome and felt like they are deliberately trying to get me in trouble.
Due to my depression I found I was unable to vent or express my feelings at work or at home and use my social networking site to display my thoughts, feelings and emotions. Yesterday someone who I have not given permission to had gone on my web page and printed off a statement I wrote and given it to my manager to deliberately get me in trouble. I was called in the office and spoken to about what I had written and asked why I had wrote it. I gave my manager the same explanation.
I had to sign a form to basically say I was happy with the notes that had been written. I told my manager I felt unhappy and disgraced that my personal life had been delved into and been shared with others without my consent and that I don't believe it's fair that I am being penalised for having my own opinion in my own personal space. I said I believe I have the right to know who my accuser is but they refused to tell me. Nowhere is it contractually expressed or implied that I am not allowed to use social media to filter out negative thoughts or emotions in my life that are work related.
I have worked for this company for over three years and have never been in trouble once. I work hard and deliver good results every day. Before my depression I was the front of house coordinator but due to my depression and anxiety I had to demote myself to prevent me from having a relapse or causing more serious health issues. I have only just come off my medication but now my anxiety has started all over again and is making me feel depressed so I have had to start taking my medication again.
With the hours I have been given I am financially finding it hard to pay for my medication and support my family. I also have a 3 and a half month old son to provide for and for my company to make my health issues re-emerge due to the way I'm being treated they are preventing me from providing for my son as I have to spend my money on my medication. When I returned home yesterday I was late and me and my wife had an argument due to the fact that she needed my help with our child and my company had prevented me from doing so. My company is not only bullying me they are affecting my physical and mental health, preventing me from supporting my family and almost causing my marriage to break down.
I am embarrassed, upset and down right disgraced that this so called professional business is allowed to get away with this type of behaviour. My anxiety is now at its maximum level and I am frightened of losing everything. Please help me in anyway you can. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time.
Being Bullied at Work? What Every Target of Workplace Bullying Needs to Know