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Nursing Student Accused of Bullying
by Carlyn
I am a nursing student, going through a very tough time, being blamed for bullying when I don't think it is. I feel that we are very candid in school and tell our friends our personal stories, experiences, and info, whether related to school or not. We are tight knit, and because of that, we have more to talk about than just school all the time.
I have a lot of stomach problems, and my stomach is constantly growling and making horrible/funny noises. I have two main friends that make fun of me all the time for it. Many other girls know of my problems, and sometimes make comments too. None of them bother me; I am very open about my problems and what goes on with my stomach and digestive processes, in hopes that it will teach them. I had a colonoscopy at a young age which the results found nothing. Then I had a video capsule endoscopy to look for a problem in my small intestine; nothing was found. None of my stomach issues have really changed or gotten better. I'm just used to them.
Anyway, so the other two girls make fun of me for that.. I am engaged and my fiance is white. I am white, and so are my two girlfriends. One of them is in a serious relationship with a black guy, and the other dates only mexican or black guys. Personal choices, right? I dated different races before I found my guy, but I'm happy now. They are too. That's all that matters, right? We make fun of each other though for those things. What's wrong with a little teasing? Obviously if they were to ever cross the line with teasing me, I'd tell them, and vice versa.
My issue is that Sharon and myself were making fun of Lisa *names have been changed* on a popular social networking site. We were commenting back and forth, trying to get a rise out of her. Lisa even chimed in herself and fired her comments back at us.
So some unknown person at school saw this and tattled on us. They think we were being racist and the school is throwing the book at us. It was an inside joke, between FRIENDS. Please help me because I don't even know what to do. I feel like I'm being bullied by the school. I'm accepting my punishment, but still don't think it's fair because they didn't even listen to us when we had to sit down and talk to the higher-ups. I feel so helpless...