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No More Work For Me
by Makysha
(Snow Hill, MD)
I haven't worked for 3 years. Why? I was so tired of being terrorized at work. The false rumors and constant physical altercations proved to be enough. I feel I made the right decision, because I would have done something violent to retaliate against my co workers.
I am a former victim of child trafficking and domestic violence. Work was supposed to be an escape and a way to provide for my children. It became a haven of hell.
My former child sex attackers were also friends with my boss. My boss started telling my coworkers that I was a liar and his friends do not attack girls. Soon, I was accused of being a criminal with taunts of "whore" and "slut" constantly. This place was also featured in the motion picture "Runaway Bride."
I have worked at other places, but in a small area the sick treatment is carried on. I got tired of changing from job to job. After my last employer treated me the same way, I say no to working. As a minority there is nowhere to get help.