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My Bully Abusive Witch Of A Boss
by Susan
I worked about a year and a half on and off for a very creative person who as time went on became more and more abusive, aggressive, and manipulative. There were times they could be amazing and kind and generous.
There were a few things that happened were I should have walked out a long time ago - were I was treated like a piece of trash. But I so badly wanted to belong somewhere and make a success of things. I have had a few jobs and not really found my niche.
I tried so hard with "X". I really gave a lot of myself to her and almost begged her to teach me - have her be my mentor. I even said I wanted her to teach me so I could work and run the business one day.
In return, she was very emotionally abusive and even one time shoved me. I was not a perfect person but I gave from my heart and feel I was a good person to her.
She told me that I was stupid, to shut the f up, belittled me in front of other people including a couple of clients, told me "I don't care what you do, did not pay me for a few hours work I did for her - including on my own time because I so wanted to please, would give me the silent treatment, told me to butt out, "forgot" to tell me she had left the office and went home early, and even accused me of stealing from her.
When things would go wrong I was the scratching post. Things all ended two weeks ago to where I told her to f off, you don't treat me like a person and when I went back to talk to her - she said I am going to call the police - after a year of knowing each other!! Then, I received an e-mail two days later basically her ending everything between us.
The thing that really made me so angry was that she twisted everything around to were it was all my fault. How can someone be so cruel and abusive - to have no empathy for another person? I do know about bullying and have read about it in the last week or so but it still really hurts. It hurts that she can just go on and discard me like trash. I have had such a tough time for months on end with just trying to make ends meet and find my place... What these people don't realize is that they do real damage. At this point I am just trying to pick up the pieces and move on and realize that with people like "x" you reap what you sow in life.