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Meat Plant Rife With Abuse, Racism and Violence
(Warrnambool Vic Australia)
I worked at a meat works called name removed for a long time all of the bosses there pick on one person or another, but the two big bosses, father and son are the worst there. The son abuses people on the floors in front of everyone screaming, calling them names and swearing at people. The father takes bonuses every chance he gets. I lost my bonus till further notice for a tap being on that I needed on to wash my hands to do my job properly.
If you're sick, even with a doctor certificate, they take your bonuses and if the father does not like you he will make you line up like a casual again when you're full time. I can't find anyway to report with them finding out who I am. I'm not the only one who they do it too. I want to help my friends that are still there because they are treated like robots and its their way or the highway.
A friend of mine was fired because he hit someone that threatened him with a knife. The man with the knife still has his job because his chines 2 people got the sack for fighting one time 2 chines boys got in a fight in the lunch room one got smashed in the face with a coffee cup and needed stitches and they both still have their jobs.
We were always told racism would not be tolerated but the discriminate against people that can speak English how is that fair and one time when the father was yelling at a dark colored man that had not long started he called him a black fuck and I have had that many run-ins with him I cant recount them all. But every time it was over something silly like when I first came back and lined up after have my baby they had been advertising for skilled knife hands on the local radio and he told me he does not want the likes of me there.
I don't know if this is classed as bulling or not. Maybe you can tell me and tell me how to help my friends still stuck working for people with the power to treat people how the like...