by Anonymous NJ
I am Anonymous, NJ... and if anyone has been reading my articles; I try to give help based on my own personal observations of workplaces in the late 90's thru 21st Century. Those who read my articles, might also sense I am a person of faith in God. (a word not mentioned in workplaces openly these days)
I am neither pro business nor pro employee but pro fairness. I know business management 'has smarts' or they wouldn't be in management positions. (be it small, medium, or large corporation) One difficulty with small and mid size managers; they only manage 'work flow' as they above them direct them to. These are not managers of people. Most average firms are not going to spend the dollars to 'manage people' and get cooperation amidst all bodies. Upper execs of a firm are primarily concerned with 'control of' rather than cooperative (in my opinion).
So... assume this going in. Business owners today want only a sense of 'control' over those they hire. For the eight hours you WORK FOR them; forget all personal ideologies for the most part, all personal opinions, and your likes or dislikes. Never speak of your preferences in social ideas, politics, whether you are a meat eater or vegan even. Business, unfortunately, see's the worker as just another tool or machine like their computers. A worker can never show any form of 'feeling' or 'emotion' (sounds harsh, but that is as I observe for the most part) This is how workers stay with a firm. Oh... some general feeling is permitted, smile and be happy and say good morning or good evening, shed a tear if general sad story is told directly: ie: so and so in dept A passed yesterday. But no opinions good or bad of person.
Be aware of this: many times a management person might say something like "you are offensive" (never stating why) Step back from self to hear 'the spirit' in those words and respond in spirit. (their spirit is upset, your spirit is innocent yet wanting to help them) Step away from a natural tendency to defend your good name and 'see their need' (tough one) "I am so sorry you are feeling upset with something I've done to you... certainly it is not my deliberate aim to do such, can you elaborate as to what the difficulty is you have and I will certainly work at not being offensive." COMMUNICATE and don't fall into their trap of making you defend self or feel guilty. STAY innocent.
Note also; as many times as 'they' find 'us' offensive; they are also quick to say "you need a thick skin." (this is stated because 'we' the good, try to defend ourselves to these constant gripers) *it's funny because if 'they' had a thicker skin 'they' would overlook petty things that they find offensive. They can't overlook, because in today's work environment we are dealing with adolescent 'spoiled' souls who are unhappy with themselves and unhappy with everyone around them. They don't know God. (that is a given)
It's 'a cross' we must bear and offer up... for (name an intention to ourselves) and this one's way is easier to bear. (if it's unbearable and unreasonable and they might someday falsely accuse so as to ruin your hard earned reputation; there is no option but to leave the firm, job in hand or not)
When more do such... FAIRNESS in work will come back.
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