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What Every Target of Workplace Bullying Needs to Know

Hair Salon Owner and Renter Bully

I rented a chair at a hair salon and was there for a total of 4 months before I was able to find another salon in the same area (to keep the clientelle that i had spent 13 years building) that I could move to.

During those 4 months I was referred to as "that F****n B****h" and pulled into the parking lot and threatened with physical harm... repeatedly yelled and cursed at - even in front of clients - told that "I was lucky as a fat girl that I found a guy to marry me, never mind a guy as good looking as my husband and that I didn't deserve him." Also he was too hot and she would convince him to go home with her for the weekend and I shouldn't mind...

Then my dad came for a haircut and she actually sidled her whole body up and down his back and said "ooh I just love a man with an accent"... she would phone my home at 7am and be intoxicated and yell and curse at me... she would be waiting at work... still drunk first thing in the morning... she said she was going to kick me out and was rude to my clients... she would tell other associates that I was trying to steal clients from them and accused me of taking them from her, which is completely untrue.

Anyway I can't recall every little incident... so I left her salon and then she sued me for the balance of the chair rental and told the judge that i was making everything up!!!!!

Unfortunately this whole situation has continued on for a year now and instead of getting away from my bully I still have the stress and anxiety of dealing with this court case... sucks!!!!!

Comments for Hair Salon Owner and Renter Bully

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Bullies from Hell
by: Anonymous

Wow, your bully and mine must be sisters! I am a cosmetology student and cannot go anywhere until I get my 1500 hours. Going to school everyday takes everything I have. I don't know what to anymore. My bully seems to have moved on and is now targeting one of my classmates. I was accused of client stealing, theft, and she wrote F**K You in big black letters on my car with eyeliner. She also sneaks into the appointment book and erases my clients and writes them in her slot.

by: Anonymous

There are tons of people like that in the world, 4 bad for every good 1! If you've built your own clientelle and they follow you why would you need to "steal" hers!? I understand why your ex employer is the way she is... she's got some major confidence issues and only feels good when she makes fun of people because if she doesn't feel good than nobody else can. The only advice I can give you is to forgive her. I know it sounds crazy but what's worse, trying to prove yourself or letting go and being happy with yourself!? I guess that's just a question you need to ask yourself. As for working at a Salon, find one that fits your style. Remember that your work is what they like but your personality is what they keep coming back for and if you're not yourself you might not perform at your potential.

Good Luck and take care of your hair!

Bully must be my bullys sister
by: Anonymous

Bully must be my bullys sister -NO WAY, you can bet the hairdresser bully gave her sister the same grief as her co worker. Saddly they always have to have some one to traumatise.

they won't change, but you can
by: oldie but goodie

I have been in this work for 28 yrs, less 16 for being a housewife, got divorced, came back to hair five yrs ago. my boss isn't physically abusive, but is the most manipulative, loud, tricky, pushy, backstabber. she's 46, i'm 48. i have known her for 15 yrs. but not close enough to know not to work for her. i will be leaving soon. she is vicious and evil, not exaggerating. she is cruel to her husband and stepdaughter while her son and daughter can do no wrong. we staff have warned her about the loudness, gossip, rudeness to our clients, and her language. she takes no heed. this kind doesn't change, they find others to push around. you can leave, accept the fit and rumours, people consider the source and will seek you despite your bully's efforts to destroy you.

by: Anonymous

I was bullied at a salon for 7.5 years! The manager & the owner were friends & the manager controlled the owner by giving her the life she wanted! It was horrible! The manager would always make she she tormented me perfectly! She was mean smart! Miserable person and got away with everything! The owner liked to hire people of her same kind.. So unfornately most of the people were mean & unhappy people. The salon was very high school & clicks . If you weren't like them you defiantly not welcomed! The manager tried to cause many problems for me especially because she was very jealous of my business. She told me I would never get any business from the salon! Just horrible... I recently quit & I took the high road & they were so mad to loose there beating doll! They are very worried about who will find out & all my clients all ready new the salon sucked due to everyone ignoring them due to my clientele figuring out everything! So awsome how karma comes back to bite them! The owner of the building comes to me that the salon owner pays rent to so it will be great when this travels! Finally victory without a word😀

Salon owner of chair rental salon
by: Anonymous

We have a 75 year old bully in salon. She bullies everyone including myself. Ive lost customers an stylist due to her. We're in Iowa what rights as owner do I have?

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