All I can say is that where I work, there are some employees of the company who are impressively negative, angry, and full of what only can be called as obsessive.
From what I hear, their goal is to punish me for upsetting their life or something. They sit around complaining and talking about the same things over and over like a broken record. And I know that many of them don't even like doing it. Which makes no sense why do something like that if you don't want to.
But I have also found that although I don't like being the one who is talked about like this, I am more thankful that I can choose on my own whether I am going to be hateful or not. Or angry. Not someone else making this choice for me or doing it because that is what the group is doing. I can make up my mind about other people and not just do things to fit in or agree with the majority. That I can wake up everyday to a new day and not the repeat that others are in. That I know each day is a gift and new. Not be cycling the same old anger and hate.
So I chose not to hate them. I do feel a great deal of sadness and some anger. Because I am a person who has feelings. But not hate. And definitely not cycling the same old reasons and justifications to be angry at someone.