by Anita
Hi, I have been bullied on line by a person know to me through one of my previous work. He and his gf and his other friends mock and ridicule me at every instance that they have defamed me on the net in every possible manner calling me derogatory names such as a slut, pros, a woman of low virtues and he continues to do so.
They have even figured out where I live and yell, honk their car horns when they pass by my home. I am on verge of reporting this to the police though I am bit apprehensive of getting undue attention to me and my family ie my kids. Yes I am married. I did speak about this to one of the common friends who wasn't of any help. Instead was hand in glove with him but he did mention to me that this guy is in a state of non denial.
At one stage they even attached a porn video to my computer as it seems they have hacked my computer and seem to spy on my emails. I can't give you my personal email to respond back to me as it will be victory to them that it has upset me and has affected my health that I have developed high BP. My BP tends to rise to 200/120 at times and can be controlled only by medication. This is on for last 2 years that I have become quite popular on the net as a slut.