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Bullying At Work
by Caroline
I work with all men and up until the last 6 months was the only woman - now there is just us two.
My foreman is treating me differently to the others. It all started when I fell pregnant for the second time. He went overboard with risk assessments on my job. He told personnel he didn't think I should be working shifts whilst being pregnant... he would allow work colleagues to smoke in our tea room so I was passive smoking... even now he never says anything to the smokers... and there is a law in place to prevent this, and does nothing... he lets everyone do what they like... but when I needed to request 5 late starts per month to take my daughter to school... he went overboard wiv manager and personnel and trade union meetings... my daughter was sick this morning so I called in to ask for the day off but he spoke to me in a very nasty way and had me in floods of tears.
Where I work all the foreman are usually understanding and I know of others that have ask to pick up children from school during work time... drop off lunch to their parents who are o.a.ps and go home early if requested and he always says ok, but everytime I ask he makes me feel bad and now feel like I can't approach him about anything.
Im back at work in two days from now and fear that he will make my working life difficult and give me horrible jobs to do.
How can I stop this from happening and resulting having to leave my job after 15 years?

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