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Being Bullyed For Being Too Shy
by Wendy
(Phoenix, AZ)
I had a lot of jobs in my life and I do admit that I am a bit quiet at work, mostly because I try very hard to stay away from negativity in the workplace. I been told that shy people like myself can be confusing to read, but I don't think that's an excuse for wrong treatment of any kind. I currently work at a insurance company as a image processor, I am responsible for scanning documents. Most of my co-workers in the office are friendly with each other and everyone seem to get along well with each other. Everyone except me.
I come to work eveyday, sit down and do my job and I don't bother anyone, but I negative comment said about me behind my back and dirty looks for no reason at all. One of the Unit Manager had said to another co-worker that I looked like a ugly actress on tv and I over heard that co-worker singing the theme sing from the tv show that she was on. I took it as her mocking me. Mocking is something that happenens to me on a daily basis. Every little body gesture I do, I see my co-workers mocking me over it. This might not be a big thing to someone else, but it is very hurtful to me.
Now I am having a problem with another co-worker, she saw me taking my break alone and now she's telling everyone that I am a "loner". And another one of my co-workers ask me if I was going to go "postal" because I am quiet. This was very insulting and hurtful.
I only been at this job for 8 months and all of these things are happening to me. I get nervous on Sunday nights because I think about going to work the next morning. It's getting to the point where everyday I don't know what to expect.
I do need some advice, please anyone if you have any advice tell me what to do.