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Accounts Payable
by Dee
I just started a new job and I've been there 8 weeks. My boss tells me that I cant' ask my coworkers for any help at all; that I can only ask her. She also walks in my office when I'm talking to someone else and announces that she doesn't like when people whisper in the office when, in fact, no one is whispering. She has "warned" me to stay away from certain people because they are bitches and can't be trusted.
She constantly makes negative remarks to me about other coworkers and my coworkers have said that they are intimidated by her.
She also micromanages my work. In the short time I've been there, she has not communicated with me except to criticize every little thing I do. I do not have a clear understanding of what she expects, so communication is almost non existent.
I can't bear the thought of working one more day for her. I find that I'm experiencing headaches, jaw pain, and insomnia since I've been there. I'm also very depressed and can't think of anything except my job.
What should I do? Quit or stick it out?