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Youth and School Bullying Books
The Too-Tall Troll
in the Tiny Tollhouse
By David E. Hubler
Tilden Troll didn’t think he was any different from other trolls until he entered the first grade. There, because of his size, he was laughed at and teased by his classmates, who were led by one especially nasty bully. But when the bully found himself in big trouble, only Tilden’s size could save him. That became the start of a new friendship and the end of the bullying. The class learned that it's okay to be different, everyone is; but bullying and making fun of others is always wrong.
The Too-Tall Troll in the Tiny Tollhouse |
W.S: From 'Rear-Ender' to
'Slender' Brenda
By Jane Cuff
Using humour, W.S skilfully tackles two very topical issues: bullying and obesity. The main storyline involves two 12 year old girls, Brenda and Katie, who over a period of time, find their circumstances reversed. The bully, Katie, gains weight and becomes known as 'Weighty' Katie, whilst the girl she cruelly nicknamed Brenda 'Rear Ender,' loses weight and is subsequently accepted by her peers and renamed 'Slender' Brenda. By cleverly turning the tables on Katie, the author is able to be very real about the destructive and painful act of bullying.
W.S: From 'Rear-Ender' to 'Slender' Brenda |
Hot Issues, Cool Choices:
Facing Bullies, Peer Pressure,
Popularity, and Put-downs
By Sandra McLeod Humphrey
All the stories in my book are based on true experiences related to me by students during my school visits, and the book is dedicated to a 12-year-old boy who took his own life as a result of being bullied.
~ Sandra McLeod Humphrey - Retired Clinical Psychologist & Author
See Books By Sandra McLeod Humphrey on Amazon.com |
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See Also:
Cyber Bullying Books
Workplace Bullying Books
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