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Hi, Newsletter, Issue #004 December 17, 2008 |
If you are having problems viewing this newsletter it is available online here. Newsletter #004 Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Season's Greetings, I very much appreciate your membership in our newsletter and your support of! I want to personally thank each and every one of you who has subscribed to our newsletter, contributed their bullying stories, submitted articles to the site and generously offered donations to help us to continue to grow. Special thanks to those who have organized support groups in their area. Working together we can spread the word and shift consciousness about bullying. We are already seeing more and more schools and workplaces taking the problem of bullying seriously and taking real steps toward eliminating it. There is no better gift that we can offer than to treat everyone with dignity and respect. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to Everyone! Anton Hout Please forward this newsletter to anyone you feel would also benefit from this information. Thank you for your help in spreading the word. If someone you know has forwarded this newsletter to you, you can subscribe here (it's free) to make sure you automatically recieve future issues. In This Issue: - Tell Us What You Think in Our Bullying Poll - Bullies Will Not Be Tolerated in Gosport Schools - Are You Worried About the Global Financial Crisis? - Special Holosync Offer Still Available - Preschool Bullying - Thought for Today Tell Us What You Think in Our Bullying Poll We Need Your Feedback - Please take a minute and take our poll to tell us a little about yourself, articles you would like to see and what you think of so far. It should only take a minute, maybe less. No identifying personal information is requested. Bullies Will Not Be Tolerated in Gosport Schools Schools in Gosport have sent out a strong message to bullies in their schools by installing the pioneering Speak Out Now reporting system. Brune Park Community school and Bridgemary Community Sports College join Leesland Junior in the fight against school bullies. Leesland Junior school were the first school in the UK to install the Speak Out Now reporting system and have enjoyed some very positive results. Year 3 Teacher, Jackie Pick says: “This online facility is giving our pupils the confidence to report incidents, secure in the knowledge that their peers will not know who has reported it. One child even used the system to own up to a bullying incident and reported himself.” If your school would like to know more about the Speak Out Now reporting system please contact Anton or Mike and join the fight against school bullies. USA & Canada - Anton Hout - UK - Mike Smith - Are You Worried About the Global Financial Crisis? Workplace bullying can be bad enough when times are good but when the econonmy takes a dive competition among workers can get downright ruthless. Workers are beginning to feel the pressure and stress like never before. Bad-mouthing, backstabbing and sabotaging coworkers is seen as a necessary survival tactic by some. Unscrupulous employers can use the opportunity to abuse workers in order to destroy their health, then use health issues and lowered productivity as a pretense to unceremoniously terminate their victims. You may recall that in Issue #2 I mentioned an article called "I Hate My Job!". If you haven't had the chance to read it yet you can find it here. Briefly, I discuss the situation workers who are targeted by bullies face. In the majority of cases it is the target, not the bully, that is disciplined and fired! The article goes on to discuss the alternative to staying in an abusive situation of developing ones own online business. More and more people are opting to create their own successful businesses and leaving bullies behind. Running an online business is particularly attractive as it allows you to regain your financial independence and, perhaps best of all, work from home. A hundred years ago you could set up a shop and offer products or services and develop a thriving business. With a small amount of startup capital and a willingness to work you could almost be guaranteed to succeed. Then came the advent of the firm which evolved into what we now know as corporations. No longer could you so easily start a business. You would be up against large companies with deep pockets. You couldn't compete against their advertising budgets, their distribution networks or their prices. Many found it easier to "get a job" and earn a living by giving up their independence in exchange for the security of a paycheck. But when times get tough it doesn't take long for us to find out that it's a false sense of security. One of the great things about the internet is that it has leveled the playing field. People like you and me can set up a website and if we are willing to work, can create a viable online business. Here's some good news... most websites fail, even websites developed by big companies fail. They fail miserably because they are doing it WRONG, WRONG and WRONG! Why is that good news? Because this leaves a huge opening for those of us who can figure out how to do it right! On the internet there are thousands of so-called "gurus" offering to share their "super-secret-earn-a-million-dollars-overnight-system". Yes, there are plenty of snake-oil salesmen on the internet just like in the real world -- but I did my research. Whenever I found one of these "offers" I would search for information about them to see what their customers where saying. Most of them turned out to be scams, pure and simple. But one name kept coming up again and again -- SBI!. Instead of their customers complaining about how they had been ripped off, SBI's customers were actually raving about their service. Some even said that SBI! had changed their lives. It took me months of humming and hawwing, doing more research and evaluating their services before I decided to click the "Order" button. was born. I was in the advertising business over 20 years and experienced not only workplace bullying but a full blown mobbing before I was fired. The bullies saw to it that my health was ruined and that I was financially devastated. I wanted to find a way to tell others about bullying and started When I started I didn't do it as a commercial venture. I did it because I was passionate about helping others to overcome bullying in their lives. But it's no fun building a website that nobody visits. As I said, I had built websites before -- the wrong way. So, what is the right way? A Real Example of What You Can Acheive: My other website is about Australian Shepherds. My Aussie "Levi" was the inspiration for that website. Would I be able to build a great site and share my passion for Aussies? Would I be able to generate traffic to my new site? Would I be able to earn enough for it to at least pay for itself? Yes, Yes and Yes (and then some!). is now in the Top 1% of sites on the web according to its Alexa Ranking! (And so is!) Alexa is a website rating service provided by Amazon and Microsoft that tracks about 100 million active websites. Ratings less than 1 million (lower is better) are tough to get to considering how many websites there are but anything less than 1 million puts you in the top 1%. If you would like to see for yourself just go here and enter to get my current ranking. Then compare that to ANY other Aussie site. It's even higher than the website of the parent organization of Aussies - the Australian Shepherd Club of America ( I don't say that to brag (okay, maybe a little). I say it to illustrate how successful a website, your website, can be if you do it RIGHT! SBI! provided me with all the tools I needed to research, build, promote and even earn income from my site. Others are earning solid part-time income, some have even been able to quit their day jobs. There is no reason why you can't do it too. Building a real, viable online business that allows you to work from home is the kind of financial independence that we could all use -- especially in an economy like this! You don't need to know how to build websites or how to do HTML programming. SBI! provides all the tools you need to build your website. You don't have to have all kinds of technical skills. You just have to have the brains and motivation. It will take work, but if you are willing to put in the effort you can do it and take control of your financial future. What are your hobbies? What do you love to do? What's your favorite vacation spot? What are you passionate about? In the answers to these questions you will find the seeds of an idea for what your website will be about. Whatever it is there are thousands of people who can benefit from your knowledge. You can create your own business about something you enjoy, something that you would love to work on even if you had all the money in the world. What better way to earn a living? This article has become much longer than I intended but I can't stay quiet about this. Too many people are suffering and there are very real concerns about what the global financial crisis is going to bring to ordinary people and families everywhere. If you would like to build a successful business using the internet but have questions about whether or not this can work for you I am happy to answer any questions I can. I know that SBI! works. It is now even being taught in universities to MBAs who want to learn how internet marketing really works. Feel f'ree to contact me anytime. Okay, for those of you who are still reading I suggest you watch this video tour of SBI!. It will take about 30 minutes - but those could be the most important 30 minutes you spend on the internet. It will give you an overview of what SBI! is all about. Learn More: >>> Case Studies For those of you who decide that this is something you would like to pursue I would like to offer my personal support. Consider this opportunity and do your research, but once you decide to get started, before you order SBI! I ask that you use the link below. This is so that you are recognized by SBI! as a personal referral from me. I want to make sure that anyone who joins SBI! through me succeeds. I will provide you with a f'ree email consultation (I am an SBI! Instructor). I want to make sure you have every advantage and are able to benefit from my experience. So before ordering come back here and order through this link: >>> Order SBI! Here If you've had the chance to look at SBI! and want to get started developing your own successful online business your timing couldn't be better. Starting Dec. 12/08 SBI! is allowing you to order your first site and also get a second one for f'ree. But only until midnight (EST) Dec. 25/08. Why would you want to get 2 websites? Because SBI! sites work and do earn income for their owners. Most SBI! site owners renew their subscriptions every year and eventually start a second (and even a third and fourth) site. My wife Tanya and I have just ordered and we now have 4 SBI! sites. You are protected with a 100% money-back-guarantee and if you like you can gift your second site to a freind or family member. What could be better than a gift that not only keeps on giving - it keeps on EARNING! But when you order please come back here and use this link: >>> Order SBI! Here Contact me anytime if you have any questions about SBI! Wishing You All the Great Success You Deserve!!! Anton Special Holosync Offer Still Available I recently sent out a special notice to subscribers to let you know about an offer from Bill Harris of the Centerpointe Research Institute. Centerpointe has developed a technology, called Holosync, based on binaural beats that allow you to listen to sounds set to differing frequencies which allow your brain to quickly and easily achieve very deep, relaxing meditative states. In case you haven't had the chance to try HoloSync and take Bill up on his offer you can find the link below. There's no risk to check it out, and I know you'll be glad you did. Remember, you can get a FR'EE Holosync demo CD, a FR'EE Special Report, and a special offer to try The Holosync Solution program, at no risk, by going to: Preschool Bullying It May Come as a Shock to Many Parents to Learn that Bullying Happens in Preschool - Karen Kondor, elementary school teacher and mother of three gives us another inciteful article about bullying between children. Karen includes practical tips for parents: what to do if your preschool child is being bullied and what to to if it is your child who has been identified as the bully. Thought for Today We must always seek to ally ourselves with ~ Mahatma Gandhi |
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